StatutesThe name of the association is "F.C. København Fan Club." Originally founded on Tuesday, May 28, 1991. Until October 24, 1991, the association's name was "KB Fan Club." October 24 is considered the anniversary of the F.C. København Fan Club.The purpose of the association is to support F.C. København in a festive and peaceful manner, thereby spreading awareness of the club and, through social activities for the association’s members, fostering a proper understanding that peaceful coexistence with other football fans is a natural part of being an FCK fan.The association is an independent organization, both managerially and financially, from PS&E, F.C. København, B1903, and KB.The association is led by a board consisting of a maximum of 5 members, depending on the number of candidates: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, and 2 general members. Additionally, there may be up to 2 alternates.All board members must be at least 18 years old. No one on the boards of PS&E, F.C. København, KB, or B1903, or in any managerial or similar employment relationship, can be a member of the F.C. København Fan Club's board.Employees of the F.C. København Fan Club are also not eligible for the board.a. All significant decisions for the association are made by the board.a II. The board operates according to an internal set of rules that ensures board work is conducted at all times in a manner and to an extent that is suitable for the association and its employees, and in line with the association’s purpose and statutes. This set of rules is adopted each year by the newly elected board no later than 30 days after the general meeting.b. The board is quorate when 4 board members are present, either in person, through an alternate, or by phone or similar means.c. The board makes its decisions by a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote. When commitments exceeding DKK 100,000 are made, the treasurer must vote in favor of the proposal.d. Minutes are kept of board deliberations, including a brief description of discussions and all board decisions. Any board member who disagrees with a decision has the right to have their opinion recorded in the minutes.e. All decisions concerning expenses exceeding DKK 15,000 must be approved by 3 board members or by the treasurer and chairman of the association. An exception to this rule may be granted by the board, in collaboration with specific committees or employees of the F.C. København Fan Club.The association’s highest authority is the general meeting.a. The general meeting is held in Copenhagen, with the annual general meeting occurring before the end of March each year. If external circumstances prevent timely holding of the general meeting, the board is obliged to hold it as soon as possible thereafter.a II. In this case, the board retains its mandate until the postponed general meeting.b. The general meeting is notified at least 14 days in advance by post. Notification by e-mail is considered equivalent to postal notification.c. At each general meeting, a chairperson is elected to decide on the legality of the meeting, lead the meeting, oversee voting, and manage the results.d. All votes are decided by a simple majority of those present. Amendments to the statutes require at least a 2/3 majority.e. All members who have been members for at least 3 months and are not in arrears have voting rights at the general meeting. Proxies must be approved before the start of the general meeting by verifying against the membership register and arrears list. Each member may bring a maximum of 5 proxies to the general meeting.f. The agenda for each annual general meeting must include the following:Election of the chairpersonAnnual reportApproval of accounts and budgetSubmitted proposalsElection to the boardMiscellaneousFuture plansg. At each annual general meeting, the board members are elected as follows: Odd years: Chairman and 1 general member. Even years: Vice-Chairman, Treasurer, and 1 general member. Every year: 2 alternates.h. Proposals for the general meeting must reach the board no later than 8 days before the general meeting.An extraordinary general meeting can be convened at the board’s initiative or if a motivated, written request is submitted to the board. This request must be signed by at least 5% of the association’s members. An extraordinary general meeting must be called within 14 days of receiving the request, with the same deadlines as for an ordinary general meeting. The extraordinary meeting must be held as soon as possible but no later than two months after receiving the request.The board has overall strategic and financial responsibility, including budget planning, budget follow-up, preparation of accounts, and collection of dues. Ongoing bookkeeping is handled by the Fan Club's office or an external accountant, with the treasurer being ultimately responsible for the task. Membership dues are collected via PBS or payment slips. The membership period lasts one year from the date of registration.Exclusion of a member may occur if the member repeatedly causes adverse incidents or if the member behaves particularly unfavorably on a single occasion. The question of exclusion is handled solely by the board and can only take place by a 4/5 majority of the board.The dissolution of the F.C. København Fan Club can only take place at a general meeting and requires the approval of 2/3 of the association’s members. In the event of dissolution, the association’s funds are to be divided equally between the youth departments of B1903 and KB.Liability: The association is only liable for its obligations with the assets belonging to the association at any given time. Members of the association or the board are not personally liable.These statutes were last revised and approved at the F.C. København Fan Club's general meeting on 30.3.2023Translated bt ChatGPT