FCKFC helps decide player of the yearF.C. København Fan Club arranges the vote for Fans Player of the year in F.C. København.Two weeks prior the the last home game of the season, the vote will be opened here at fckfc.dk, and the winner will be revealed at the match.See fans player of the season in previous years below.2023/2024Kevin Diks 2022/2023Kamil Grabara 2021/2022Pep Biel 2020/2021Carlos Zeca 2019/2020Carlos Zeca 2018/2019Robert Skov 2017/2018Viktor Fischer 2016/2017Mathias Jørgensen 2015/2016Thomas Delaney 2014/2015Thomas Delaney 2013/2014Pierre Bengtsson 2012/2013Andreas Cornelius 2011/2012Johan Wiland 2010/2011Dame NDoye 2009/2010Atiba Hutchinson 2008/2009Hjalte Bo Nørregaard 2007/2008Libor Sionko 2006/2007Marcus Allbäck 2005/2006Tobias Linderoth 2004/2005Hjalte Bo Nørregaard 2003/2004Álvaro Santos 2002/2003Peter Nielsen 2001/2002Christian Poulsen 2000/2001Sibusiso Zuma 1999/2000Michael Mio Nielsen 1998/1999David Nielsen 1997/1998Bjarne Goldbæk 1996/1997Antti Niemi 1995/1996Christian Lønstrup 1994/1995Michael Johansen 1993/1994Lars Højer Nielsen 1992/1993Palle Emil Petersen