CommitteesThe fan club consists of a number of committees each dealing with different tasks in and around the fan club.All committees consist of amazing people volunteering. Therefore they might not answer back so quickly if you write them.If you have an urgent inquiry, please write our office on the office hereThe Young LionsThe Young Lions committee takes care of all tasks associated with The Young Lions.Write themKBH U18The KBH U18 committee is responsable for the U18 section during matches.Contact them hereBrøletOur members magasin, Brølet, is released twice a year and distributed to all of our members.Inquiries about editorial stuff or advertisement should be directed here.Write them hereMascotWe have two wonderful ladies who are responsible for our mascots. They handle the draws and all the practical aspects related to our lovely mascots. They also ensure that the mascots and their families receive the necessary information and feel comfortable leading up to the matches.Write them hereFotoOur great photo committee makes sure that matches are documented both home and away.You can also meet them at our various event where they'll be shooting around.Contact them here