Fan politicsThe fan club has always strived to lead the way in creating the best conditions for fans. Therefore, FCKFC also co-founded the umbrella organization Danske Fodbold Fanklubber (DFF), where football fans across clubs unite to establish proper conditions at all Danish stadiums and solve challenges together. FCKFC is the only fan club represented by two members on DFF’s board.In line with its commitment to DFF, we want the fan club to be seen as a kind of trade union for the club's fans. As such, the board prioritizes fan-political work very highly. We strive to participate wherever we are invited and contribute the knowledge and experience we have gained over many years of working to improve conditions for football fans in Denmark.Dialogue ForumWe are part of the Dialogue Forum, established by the Ministry of Justice, where discussions focus on how to reduce violence and disturbances, particularly during high-risk matches.In May 2023, together with Brøndby Support, we organized the first meeting ahead of a derby match. We invited the police and safety officials from both clubs to engage in dialogue on how to improve preparations and execution to benefit all parties. This marked the beginning of numerous pre- and post-match meetings, where we had the opportunity to voice our requests, give praise, and provide constructive criticism about the event's execution each time. In our view, this was incredibly valuable—not only for us as fan clubs but also for the overall event management for the clubs and authorities. As part of these meetings, we made joint statements with Brøndby Support to streamline information and demonstrate that it is indeed possible to collaborate closely across clubs.TransparencyThe board strives to be as open as possible about the processes we are involved in by regularly issuing public statements to our members. We do this both to ensure transparency about our views and general work, and because we are aware that, as Denmark's largest fan club, we have a scale that allows us to exert pressure or help set the agenda in public debates. As such, we also aim to make ourselves available for press inquiries as much as time permits.Statement of principlesThe board has also compiled a statement of principles, which provides an idea of the current board’s positions and focus areas. However, it should be noted that this document is not exhaustive, as changes or additions may be made on an ongoing basis.