Statement of PrinciplesThe times since FCKFC was founded have changed.We are no longer the ones sending the most FCK fans on trips. Many fellow fans now either travel independently or make use of the offers available within the fan environment around FCK. We see this as a natural development, but we won’t hide the fact that it has also led to some fans choosing not to remain members, as they may feel they no longer get enough value from their membership.We would like to challenge this perception because FCKFC still does a significant amount of fan-political work. We also maintain strong connections with authorities, clubs, and the broader fan community when necessary.The board has therefore decided that FCKFC should aim to be visible in a new way—through greater transparency regarding the work we do. This includes updates on current issues and a stronger focus on incorporating the perspectives of fellow fans in decision-making processes.In an organization as large and diverse as FCKFC, it can be challenging to speak with one voice that makes everyone feel heard. With this statement of principles, we aim to clarify what FCKFC consistently stands for and the priorities of the current board.This may naturally change depending on the composition of the board. In this way, we hope to provide greater clarity about what FCKFC represents. The list is not exhaustive, and new topics or updates may be added over time. We will make an effort to highlight any revisions or updates.FCKFC’s Core Principles:Neutrality on Religious and Political BeliefsFCKFC remains neutral on religious and political convictions. However, we believe it is crucial to have a clear voice on issues related to sports and fan politics. This is why we hold positions in both DFF (Danske Fodbold Fanklubber) and Danske Fodbold Fans, and we are also members of FSE (Football Supporters Europe).Opposition to Violence, Racism, and HomophobiaFCKFC takes a strong stance against all forms of violence, racism, and homophobia and seeks to combat them. As stated in our bylaws: “The association's purpose is to support F.C. Copenhagen in a festive and peaceful manner, thereby spreading awareness of the club and promoting the understanding that peaceful coexistence with other football fans is a natural part of being an FCK fan.”All football fans bear this responsibility. If you hear or witness racist or homophobic remarks toward others, players, or fellow fans, intervene or report it to security, the club, or the police. This also applies to incidents of violence or vandalism.Advocacy for Better Fan ConditionsFCKFC will always fight for better conditions for fans, whether they are fellow or opposing fans. Examples include our role in the Dialogue Forum established by the Ministry of Justice and our meetings with relevant authorities before and after derby matches.FCKFC’s Additional Positions:PyrotechnicsAs an official fan club, we cannot in any way condone the use of illegal pyrotechnics. While opinions vary and some fans believe it contributes to the atmosphere, it is not permitted. Using pyrotechnics endangers fellow fans and risks penalties for both the club and fans, such as matches being played without spectators.Legalization of PyrotechnicsWe are not opposed to exploring legal solutions or finding ways to use pyrotechnics safely for both the user and those nearby. However, with current options, it is difficult to see how this can be done without exposing others to danger, unless specific zones are established for this purpose.Collective PunishmentFCKFC has long opposed collective punishment for the actions of a few. While we acknowledge that breaking the law should have consequences, we do not support penalizing everyone. History shows that collective punishment has not resolved issues. We will always advocate for alternative approaches and are willing to engage in dialogue with relevant authorities. We recognize it is not an easy task but believe it’s time to explore other solutions.Media AgreementsWe believe clubs and rights holders should schedule matches with greater consideration for fans attending live. While we understand that TV broadcasters need to maximize their investment, it’s counterproductive when scheduling undermines the product they have paid for—such as scheduling long away trips on weekdays or announcing matches on short notice, as has been common under the new structure.This catalog of principles aims to clarify FCKFC’s stance and ongoing efforts. We are committed to updating it as needed to reflect new developments.